Warning with phpMyAdmin 4.6.6 on Ubuntu 18.04 using PHP 7.2.24

Warning with phpMyAdmin 4.6.6 on Ubuntu 18.04 using PHP 7.2.24 in ./libraries/sql.lib.php#613 count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

The error is caused, as indicated in the warning, in the /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/sql.lib.php file.

Warning with phpMyAdmin 4.6.6 on Ubuntu 18.04 using PHP 7.2.24 in ./libraries/sql.lib.php#613 
count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

Backup the file before editing:

sudo cp /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/sql.lib.php /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/sql.lib.php.bak

Then edit the file using vim text editor or any other text editor you prefer.

sudo vim /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/sql.lib.php

To search for the line use the forward-slash / followed by the search pattern /(count($analyzed_sql_results. Once found hit ENTER and i to start changing the line. There are two instances of the string in the file so you need to pick the right one. It would probably be easier to go to the line 613 as indicated in the warning by typing :613 in the editor.

The line should change from:

|| (count($analyzed_sql_results['select_expr'] == 1)


|| ((count($analyzed_sql_results['select_expr']) == 1)

Once done type :wq! to save the changes.